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Julie Chapman, KidsCan & Pet Refuge

Welcoming Julie Chapman, founder of KidsCan and Pet Refuge, to Purposely where she shares her founder story and her vision for the charities she leads.

Julie with Mark Longbottom, host of Purposely

Founded in 2005, KidsCan was born from Chapman's belief that "education equals opportunity." The charity's primary goal is to provide essential items that children living in hardship need to access educational opportunities. This includes food, shoes, jackets, and other necessities that many take for granted. Chapman's journey with KidsCan began with a simple yet powerful realization: thousands of children in New Zealand were going to school without adequate food, clothing, or shoes. This inequality struck a chord with her sense of fairness and justice, prompting her to act. Starting from her garage and with initial seed funding from her parents and Guardian Trust, Chapman rapidly scaled KidsCan. Within the first year, the charity raised about $600,000 and was supporting 40 schools. Today, KidsCan helps over 60,000 children across New Zealand, operating with an annual budget exceeding $20 million.

In 2017, Chapman founded her second charity, Pet Refuge, after learning about a significant barrier preventing many people from leaving abusive relationships: concern for their pets' safety. Research showed that 53% of women delay leaving family violence situations out of fear for their pets, with 24% reporting that a pet had been killed as part of the abuse. Pet Refuge provides a haven for the pets of families fleeing domestic violence, covering all costs associated with their care until families can be safely reunited with their beloved animals. This unique approach addresses a critical gap in existing support services for domestic violence survivors.

Throughout her journey, Chapman has demonstrated remarkable tenacity and adaptability. She attributes her success to her ability to clearly communicate the issues at hand and the tangible impact of potential solutions. Her approach to leadership involves surrounding herself with capable team members and maintaining a strong focus on the mission at hand. Chapman's experience in founding and growing KidsCan proved invaluable when establishing Pet Refuge. She applied lessons learned, such as setting up proper financial reporting and data collection systems from the start, which helped Pet Refuge gain traction quickly.

Despite the growth and success of both charities, Chapman remains driven by purpose rather than personal recognition. She continues to advocate for long-term change, working with business communities and government to address the root causes of child poverty and domestic violence in New Zealand. As she looks to the future, Chapman is exploring ways to expand the impact of both organisations. For KidsCan, this includes focusing on providing children with opportunities to broaden their horizons beyond their immediate communities. For Pet Refuge, plans are underway to potentially build a second shelter to meet the significant demand for their services. Julie


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